Board of Directors Training
Board members of a bank need to effectively supervise the management. Enhance your skills with our tailored board member trainings.

Your benefits:
- Addresses the increased responsibilities and skills expected from individual board members
- Helps to challenge and supervise the management of a bank
- Improves your understanding of the mechanics, risks and dependencies of a bank’s business model
- Fosters effective discussions with regulators
- Tailored to the specific needs of board members. Available online and in person, individual or group training
“The training is highly valuable for board members to foster a balanced discussion between the board and management.”
Andreas Amschwand,
Vice President of the Board of Directors of Saxo Bank (Schweiz) AG

Our 4 Modules
- Reveals structural risks in a bank’s balance sheet. Explains the role of capital structure and Basel III regulation.
- Covers interest rate risk, funding and liquidity risk resulting from the maturity mismatch between loans and deposits.
- Explains the Liquidity Coverage Ratio and Net Stable Funding Ratio requirements under the Basel III framework.
- Summarizes the complex interplay between client trust, sufficient capital, liquidity and stable funding.
- Explains how a bank manages its assets and liabilities.
- Shows the most relevant balance sheet positions and how banks fund their assets through the issuance of liabilities.
- Describes the role of the Treasury function as bank internal intermediary and how to manage interest rate and FX risks.
- Shows the mechanics of a capital and funding plan.
- Explains the key drivers of income and expenses and their link to financial resources.
- Shows how to effectively steer a bank through performance dialogue, KPI Framework and financial analysis.
- Covers integrated strategic business planning and financial resources optimization.
- Introduces value-based management concepts, capital allocation and their link to shareholder value creation.
- Shows the impact of changes in the economic and social environment on the markets and customer needs.
- Provides to think proactively about the future - even outside of one's own field of business.
- Helps to think in alternatives and to remain confident even in uncertain times.
- How will markets, industries and customer needs develop?
Individual Trainings
Board of Directors Members Trainings
- Helps board members to better understand the mechanics, risks and dependencies of a bank’s business model
- Challenge and supervise the management of a bank
- Supports board members in their discussions with regulators
- Better understand and challenge model risks and assumptions
- Addresses the increased responsibilities and skills expected from individual board members
Executive Management Trainings
- Helps executives and management to better understand the mechanics, risks and dependencies of a bank’s business model
- Designed to train management in Risk and Finance functions to get a comprehensive integrated view on Risks, Capital, Liquidity, Funding and Treasury Management
- Supports management to successfully steer a company in a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) environment and considering increasing regulatory requirements
Group Seminars
- The seminars provide background information and analysis about special events that impacted banks in recent history
- Participants learn about root causes and how the event impacts bank's daily business
Upon request, special topics can be raised and will individually be prepared by Orbit36
Banking Fundamentals
- The seminars offer participants a broad understanding of finance, treasury and risk management topics
- Shows based on examples how to effectively manage the performance of a bank
Improve your understanding of the mechanics, risks and dependencies of a bank’s business model
Deep Dives
The seminars enable banking professionals in finance, risk and treasury to gain a profound understanding in asset and liability management, liquidity & funding, interest rate risk, financial planning & analysis and economic value add concepts
Enhance your expertise and learn about state-of-the art finance, treasury and risk management methods
Online Trainings
The format of compact learning videos gives you an efficient, flexible and time-saving opportunity for individual trainings. All our trainings are specifically tailored to the needs of the respective target groups.

Die Bankbilanz verstehen
Das Orbit36-Training "Die Bankbilanz verstehen" ist spezifisch auf die Bedürfnisse von Verwaltungsratsmitgliedern von Schweizer Regionalbanken, Kantonalbanken und Raiffeisenbanken ausgerichtet. Die Teilnehmenden erwerben auf effiziente Weise das für die Überwachung einer Bank der Finma Kategorien 4 und 5 notwendige Wissen über die Bankbilanz. Das Training ist auch für Geschäftsleitungsmitglieder, Revisoren und Bankangestellte von Nutzen, die ihre Kenntnisse im Finanzbereich erweitern wollen.
Die für Schweizer Retailbanken relevanten Bilanzpositionen werden einzeln besprochen und in den Zusammenhang zu den jeweiligen Bankgeschäften und strategischen Steuerungsentscheidungen gebracht. Der Fokus liegt auf den Aspekten, die für Verwaltungsratsmitglieder zur effektiven Wahrnehmung ihrer Verantwortung als Oberleitungsorgan der Bank wichtig sind.

Regulatorische Kennzahlen
Das Orbit36-Training "Regulatorische Kennzahlen" richtet sich an Verwaltungsrats- und Geschäftsleitungsmitglieder von Banken, die sich die zur effektiven Überwachung und Steuerung einer Bank erforderlichen Grundkenntnisse im Risiko- und Finanzmanagement aneignen oder vertiefen möchten. Da die besprochenen Basel III-Kennzahlen und Konzepte für Kapital, Liquidität und Zinsrisiken international abgestimmt sind, eignet sich das Training auch für Teilnehmende ausserhalb der Schweiz.
Besprochen werden die Basel III-Kennzahlen Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1), Additional Tier 1 (AT1), Leverage Ratio, Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) sowie die zur Bemessung von Zinsrisiken benutzte Kennzahl ΔEconomic Value of Equity (Veränderung des Barwerts des Eigenkapitals)

Archegos collapse – Lessons for Risk Management
The Orbit36-Training “Archegos collapse – Lessons for Risk Management” provides a profound review of the shortcomings in risk management revealed by the collapse of family office Archegos in March 2021. The training is designed for senior managers, board members, regulators, auditors and risk management experts in the financial services industry.
Participants learn how major Wall Street Banks lost billions on their counterparty exposures to a single client, why the loss potential of the derivatives transactions was heavily underestimated and what needs to be done to avoid similar blowups in the future.
The training discusses the complex deal structures which allowed Archegos to establish a risky and allegedly fraudulent trading scheme. In one case, a twenty-billion dollar exposure was unaware to a bank’s board, since the risks were difficult to identify from traditional risk measures.