Orbit36 – 5th anniversary

  • Posted on Juli 9, 2024 by Dr. Andreas Ita

It has already been five years since we established Orbit36 as management consulting boutique for banks and other financial institutions. We are taking our 5th anniversary as an opportunity to take a brief look back. And for those who always wondered how we came up with our company name “Orbit36”, we reveal the curtain.

As founders and former bank executives, we were – and continue to be – convinced that the successful management and steering of a bank requires an integrated view on risk and finance. Sometimes, the look from a distance can help to better understand and solve a problem. Therefore, we take a focused view from the orbit on the different worlds of risk and finance, with the aim of combining them. From an altitude of 36’000 kilometers – where satellites are geostationary – this goes very well. Yet, the ‘36’ stands not only for this distance, but also for the usual 3 year planning horizon, which comprises 36 months.

Only a few weeks after the foundation of Orbit36, I detected this illustration at Hamagin Space Science Center in Yokohama. The almost perfect picture to our story.

In the last years, we could support clients in the field of strategic planning, treasury, risk and capital management. Our client base ranges from neobanks, transaction banks, wealth managers and cantonal banks to systemically relevant banks in Switzerland and abroad. In addition, we count industry associations and education institutions to our customers.

Here an overview of selected engagements:

  • Treasury/ALM-review for Swiss Cantonal Bank and Private Bank
  • Capital planning for systemically relevant bank (SIB) in Switzerland
  • Regulatory/negotiation strategy for transactional bank
  • Alignment of risk models and internal capital for foreign G-SIB
  • Public study for Swiss Bankers Association
  • Workshop on Counterparty Credit Risk for semi-governmental education institution in Asia
  • Analysis and research for industry association

Orbit36 regularly presents at industry conferences and contributes to articles in renowned newspapers and magazines, for example:

  • Annual Bank Capital Management Conference London (2019 Conference Chair), Risk Live Europe, Annual Banking Book Risk Management Conference, Best Practices for Stress Testing in Financial Institutions (US)
  • Swiss Risk Association: Sponsor (since 2024), SRA Dinner on “Archegos”, CRO Forum on Liquidity Risk post Credit Suisse
  • Quotations and interviews in Wall Street Journal, Risk.net, Reuters, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, NZZ am Sonntag, Finanz und Wirtschaft, Handelszeitung, Les Echos,  L’Agefi, SWI Swissinfo, Finews.ch
  • Television interviews in Tagesschau (SRF News) and Bilanz Standpunkte

I would like to express my gratitude to our clients, cooperation partners, organizations and last but not least our entire team. A special thank goes to my co-founder Robin Dutt, but also our former team colleagues Claude F. Moser and Andreas Bitz. We can be proud and thankful for what we have achieved and we are looking forward to a promising future with exciting engagements, rewarding cooperations and personal satisfaction.

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