Silicon Valley Bank Collapse – Should we worry about European Banks?
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) end of last week sent shock waves over the global financial system. Bank stocks in the US and Europe lost between 10% and…
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) end of last week sent shock waves over the global financial system. Bank stocks in the US and Europe lost between 10% and…
In their “Dear CEO letter” from 10 January 2023, the Bank of England’s Prudential Authority (PRA) sets their supervisory priorities for 2023 in the areas i) financial resilience, ii) operational…
Im Nachgang an die Gewährung eines 4 Milliarden-Kredites durch den Bund wird die Geschäftsstrategie der Axpo in der Politik rege und kontrovers diskutiert. Eine durch den Axpo-Verwaltungsrat in Auftrag gegebene…
Last week, I was invited to attend the 25th Annual Bank Capital Management in Banking Institutions conference in London and to lead the pre-conference workshop about “vulnerabilities revealed by the…
This morning, Credit Suisse lifted the curtain and published its long awaited strategy update. Here are the main takeaways: Most importantly, Credit Suisse drastically reduces its Investment Bank and focuses…
Ahead of Credit Suisse’s long-expected strategy update, Orbit36 Vice Chairman Claude Moser is interviewed by SFR News, Switzerland’s primary public television channel. Today’s main edition of “Tagesschau” can be watched…
With skyrocketing energy prices on 26 August 2022, energy firms came in troubles and their banks faced a critical moment. The sharp price increases of future contracts on gas and…
Am 6. September 2022 hat die Axpo Holding vom Bund eine nachrangige, unbesicherte Kreditlinie von 4 Mia. CHF zugesprochen erhalten. Diese wurde notwendig, weil stark gestiegene Strompreise hohe Sicherheitsleistungen für…
Heute Morgen hat die Axpo Holding AG beim Bund ein Gesuch um temporäre Liquiditätshilfe eingereicht. Mittels Notverordnung hat der Bundesrat den Rettungsschirm für die Schweizer Stromwirtschaft aktiviert und der Axpo…
In yesterday’s edition of NZZ am Sonntag (published by Neue Zürcher Zeitung), award-winning editor Zoé Baches quotes Orbit36 Vice Chairman and Key Client Relationship Manager Claude F. Moser on the…