Banks in temporary troubles as clearers of energy firms
With skyrocketing energy prices on 26 August 2022, energy firms came in troubles and their banks faced a critical moment. The sharp price increases of future contracts on gas and…
With skyrocketing energy prices on 26 August 2022, energy firms came in troubles and their banks faced a critical moment. The sharp price increases of future contracts on gas and…
Am 6. September 2022 hat die Axpo Holding vom Bund eine nachrangige, unbesicherte Kreditlinie von 4 Mia. CHF zugesprochen erhalten. Diese wurde notwendig, weil stark gestiegene Strompreise hohe Sicherheitsleistungen für…
Heute Morgen hat die Axpo Holding AG beim Bund ein Gesuch um temporäre Liquiditätshilfe eingereicht. Mittels Notverordnung hat der Bundesrat den Rettungsschirm für die Schweizer Stromwirtschaft aktiviert und der Axpo…
In yesterday’s edition of NZZ am Sonntag (published by Neue Zürcher Zeitung), award-winning editor Zoé Baches quotes Orbit36 Vice Chairman and Key Client Relationship Manager Claude F. Moser on the…
With today’s 75-basis point rate increase, the Federal Reserve (Fed) continues its policy to progressively hike interest rates to combat inflation. Since the beginning of this year, the Fed raised…
Navigating a bank safely through uncertain times requires expertise, experience and intuition which goes far beyond reviewing standard risk and financial reports. In the current challenging economic, political and social…
The results of the 2022 Federal Reserve Stress Test published last week reveal that the 11 largest US banks would incur combined trading losses of USD 100bn under a hypothetical…
In this article, Orbit36 discusses how today’s change in the SNB policy rate from -0.75% to -0.25% and the possible abandonment of the negative interest rate regime will impact the profitability of banks in Switzerland.
At year-end 2021, banks in Switzerland had more than a trillion of client deposits in Swiss francs on their balance sheets. The vast majority of these deposits is bearing no…
Following the decision to exclude Russian banks from the international payment system Swift as part of the sanctions against Russia to defend democratic values, we aim to shed some light…